Is SmartSuite the Best Work Management Software for your business? (3 Features to Help You Decide)

Is SmartSuite the best work management software for you? If you’re looking for a tool to organize your tasks, projects, and CRM — we recommend keeping your eye on SmartSuite.

In this video, we’re walking through what we consider SmartSuite’s top 3 features. Find out if SmartSuite is a good fit for your team’s needs!

(Want to try SmartSuite for yourself? Use our affiliate link to get started!)

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Not a video person? No worries! We’ll cover all the main points in this article.

Which is the best work management platform for you?

If you’re looking for a work management tool to bring all your tasks, projects, and CRM together — you know it can be overwhelming with so many options.

On the surface level, they all promote the same thing and look very similar. It’s only when you dig deeper into each tool that the differences start to stand out.

The “Shortcut” for finding the best WORK MANAGEMENT software for your business.

As a company that’s worked with over 1,200 businesses to build their work management platform, we’ll let you in on a secret: there isn’t a “best” work management software. There’s only the best tool for your business.

So how do we find the best work management software for your business?

Here’s the secret: Pick software based on where the software company is investing development resources.

If a software company is investing time in Features or Plans that match your industry, team size, or use case — it’s probably going to be a long-term fit! Take a look at the priorities of a given software and use that as a decision-making tool to figure out which software is worth digging a bit deeper into.

For this article, we’ll review three areas SmartSuite is prioritizing more than its competitors.

Let’s dive in!

Want to try SmartSuite for yourself? Use our affiliate link to get started!

Feature Set #1: Permissions & Documentation

SmartSuite’s first standout feature set is its focus on Permissions and Documentation.

Currently, most of the leading work management platforms on the market focus on providing flexible, open databases. However, this “flexibility” usually transforms into for teams who can’t afford a Custom Field to be deleted accidentally or a workstream to be edited without approval.

SmartSuite takes a different perspective.

Setting permissions at different levels in SmartSuite’s hierarchy — such as the Solution- or App-level — is customary across work management tools.

However, that’s just the beginning for SmartSuite!

To watch this explanation in video format, watch the video at the top of this article at timestamp 01:46.

Extended Permissions

Features at every level of SmartSuite provide teams oversight and administration superpowers that exceed what even the highest tiers of comparable software offer.

Don’t believe me? Check SmartSuite’s Permissions page and explore their Field Level Permissions! This feature ensures information isn’t shared or edited unintentionally.

To watch this explanation in video format, watch the video at the top of this article at timestamp 03:57.

Help Text & Solution Guides

Here you can see how Help Text can be added to each field to explain how to properly use it and prevent confusion.

Beyond preventing editing and misuse, SmartSuite also provides built-in features, like Help Text and Solution Guides, to allow Creators to educate coworkers and collaborators about how to use feature effectively

This includes:

  • Help Text on every Field
  • Descriptions on Views
  • Solution Guides on Solutions

To watch this explanation in video format, watch the video at the top of this article at timestamp 04:36.

Feature Set #2: Flexible Interface Customization

Don’t get me wrong, though. Just because SmartSuite allows you to “lock down” information with permissions, doesn’t mean it’s not flexible when it needs to be!

You can customize all Field names, including the Record Title.

In SmartSuite, the core unit is called a “Record” and, similar to database tools like Notion, Coda, or Airtable, we’re able to edit just about every component of the Record to match the type of process we’re managing.

To watch this explanation in video format, watch the video at the top of this article at timestamp 07:43.


We can customize our Fields to be whatever we want. Instead of using default names like “Owner” and “Due Dates,” we can customize them to titles that work for us. For example:

Owner –> Reader

Due Date –> Deadline

The world is your oyster!

To watch this explanation in video format, watch the video at the top of this article at timestamp 08:32.

Use Sections and Page Layout to Customize inside a Record

You can create collapsible Sections inside a Record Page based on how you like to see data. This can also improve your load times!

If we go inside our Records, we can customize not only what data we track but, also, how that information is presented.

We’re able to customize the Record Page (the inside of the record) by:

  • Adding, removing, or renaming Fields
  • Add collapsible Sections
  • Adjust the layout to One Column, 50/50, or 70/30 split.

Despite all the bells and whistles, SmartSuite’s customization features are beginner-friendly. The design is straightforward, and the learning curve is not as challenging as comparable tools. On the flip side, power users might find this interface to be a bit simple.

To watch this explanation in video format, watch the video at the top of this article at timestamp 09:58.

Ready to transform the way you create and manage SOPs? Unlock your FREE SmartSuite SOP Template and embark on a smooth documentation journey today! đź‘Ś

Feature #3: Automation & Integration Feature set

SmartSuite includes a variety of built-in integrations with outside tools.

The last standout SmartSuite feature set we want to highlight is what we’ll call Integrations and Automations. (We’re bundling those together because this interface chose to combine them.)

Inside every Solution’s menu, SmartSuite has an Automations area.

“But automations almost assumed to be in any work management software?”


Yet, SmartSuite seems to be taking an interesting approach.


SmartSuite seems to be focusing a huge amount of development effort around creating direct integrations with some of the most-used cloud apps out there. Familiar tools like Gmail, Slack, Twilio, and Hubspot will soon integrate with SmartSuite. (In fact, by the time you’re reading this…they may already be integrated!)

SmartSuite isn’t trying to compete with the software you love. It’s trying to work with them.

Instead of trying to be the tool that replaces them all, SmartSuite is seems to be the tool that connects it all.

Instead of trying to be the tool that replaces them all, SmartSuite seems to be the tool that connects it all.

The potential of this is hard to ignore.

To watch this explanation in video format, watch the video at the top of this article at timestamp 13:30.


You can schedule SmartSuite automations using the “At a scheduled time” Trigger.

Speaking of power, we’d be remiss not to shout out SmartSuite’s innovative time-based automation trigger. With a few clicks, you can Schedule a one-time or recurring automated action directly inside SmartSuite.

Now, this isn’t revolutionary. We’ve seen comparable features in places like…but for a new tool like SmartSuite to have this in its first year in the market? We view it as an indicator that they may just lead the market in this category.

For teams looking to turn their workflows into something more automated, like an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) tool might provide — but are looking for that small business budget — SmartSuite is a tool to keep an eye on.

To watch this explanation in video format, watch the video at the top of this article at timestamp 16:23.

Is SmartSuite good? And is it the best work management software for you?

If you’re looking for a tool in the work management space and you’re asking yourself questions like:

Which tools should I check out?

Which ones should I rule out?

SmartSuite might be the best software for you if:

  • You need to prioritize control (feature sets around permissions and documentation);
  • You want to customize your software to match your workflows; and
  • You are ready to democratize automation both inside and outside of your work management platform.

If these areas are aligned with the top “must haves” in your next work management software, use our affiliate link to try SmartSuite for yourself (for free) and see for yourself.

Until next time, enjoy the process!

Ready to transform the way you create and manage SOPs? Unlock your FREE SmartSuite SOP Template and embark on a smooth documentation journey today! đź‘Ś

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