Using ClickUp to Maintain an Online Course (ClickUp Tour)

If you’re looking to manage an online course or membership using ClickUp, you’re not alone.

ClickUp Consultant Layla at ProcessDriven has gone from running a full service-based consulting business to offering a ClickUp membership and a ClickUp online course (with ClickUp templates, ClickUp training — the works!), and keeping track of all the details is easier said than done.

(Get this ClickUp template by joining our ClickUp online course + ClickUp training membership.)

In this behind-the-scenes tutorial, we’ll show you how she’s organizing her online course in ClickUp using a Folder template you can easily create.

(This would be a great structure for any content creator using ClickUp!)

Let’s dive in.

The Folder Level

Layla stores everything course-related in a folder called “Course Management”. This is kept at the folder level, and allows for ultimate organization. Especially when she has multiple different business ventures and updates to keep track of one ClickUp Workspace.

Should your ClickUp project be a Space, Folder, List, or Task? Take our FREE Hierarchy Quiz to find out!

Public Calendar View

A great way to keep online course members filled in on what’s coming up next, is by having a public Calendar View available at that Folder level.

While the view itself isn’t public, Layla and her team are able to share the link by embedding it into the homepage of the ClickingUp. By adding a Custom Field, we can also share any links to virtual events. We use Airmeet, but Zoom and other platform links can be shared here too.

Note, that unlike Google, users unfortunately cannot subscribe to this calendar. But for now, this function is suffice and keeps active members in the loop.

Moving Down the ClickUp Hierarchy

All Tasks and Board View are rarely used in this particular setup. However, going down one layer lower in our ClickUp Hierarchy, we’ve created what is basically a course database.

In this case, each task equals a course lesson. You could also have each task equal a module and each subtask equal a lesson, whichever makes the most sense to you.

Here we have assignee and due date visible. The assignee, in this case, is who is assigned to maintaining that lesson. And the due date is referring to the next time a round of maintenance is due for that lesson. Since ClickingUp Community is run on a membership basis – and because ClickUp is consistently changing – lessons, videos, and modules in ClickingUp are updated on a weekly basis.

Custom Fields

Next, there are two custom fields embedded: video status and course writing status. (We’re using the word “status”, but we’re really having these take more a “stage” definition here.)

This is where each lesson’s video and written content are kept separate (but still together!) so that each assignee can see exactly where each task is at in its stage of completion.

(Layla goes into more detail about this and why these views are important in making things seem not as overwhelming, at 03:01 in the video above.)

Templates and Resources

Below this sort of Overview View, we have another set of lists titled Templates and Resources. Here, much like at our folder level, we are also treating this section of our ClickUp Hierarchy like a database. Meaning that these tasks are not meant to be marked complete, but to rather move between statuses.

(For a deeper dive into how ClickUp is heading into the database direction, check out Layla’s Full Recap of the LevelUp Conference.)

At this level, each task equals an asset of some kind. It is then given an assignee and a due date, and is set to be be recurring.

(Notice in this video (at 5:42) that Layla does her numbering beforehand. This allows you to easily see how far along you are in the process.)

Following that, we have the URL field. If you want a link to the actual asset in Google Drive, that’s a great option. You can also put your redirect link here.

Then we have resource type. This is just a label field where you can choose to keep track of the different categories of assets that you have.

Having these segments allows for easier reporting. This gives you the opportunity to really dial down on where you are, and what you can collectively update.

(Layla goes into more explanation of how these views allow you see revisions needed and a gallery view for easier access at 04:54)

Member Testimonials and Reviews

Having a seperate section devoted to ClickingUp member testimonials and reviews, allows us to compile all of the feedback we receive all in one place. We then use that data for improvements or ideas on how we can make the course as approachable and resourceful as possible.

We collect that data using two embedded forms: a testimonial capture and a feedback form.

The testimonial capture is for internal use. This is a way we can keep track of testimonials or reviews we’ve found across different platforms. We take a picture of the review, then add the information necessary. We can then use that for future marketing or just to keep for relevancy later.

The feedback form is designed to be shared publicly. For us, this form consists of two simple questions, and create a task in our ClickUp Workspace when they’re submitted.

(For a deeper dive in this use case, watch this video at 06:55.)

(If you need some more explanation on building forms in ClickUp, check out the Beginners Guide to what Forms can do.)

Organizing a Course Inside ClickUp

Full transparency, our own internal Course Management template is a little more complex than what you’re seeing in this video. For example, we also have a public roadmap that shows things similarly filtered, and we have filtered tags for when the tag is a roadmap.

This is just the beginning! Check out the full version of this template, and get it added right to your ClickUp account with full access, by joining our ClickingUp Community. Hope to see you on the inside!

Related Resources

➤ ClickUp Views EXPLAINED | ClickUp tutorial for beginners on Filters, Group by, Sort by, & Me Mode

➤ Forms in ClickUp | Beginners Guide to what Forms can do (March 2020)

➤ What happened?! | LevelUp, ClickUp’s Productivity Conference [ FULL RECAP]

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