How Does ClickUp Work? – Interview with ClickUp Product Manager

How does ClickUp work? How do they actually crush bugs? Am I actually talking to a live person when I reach out to ClickUp support? We sat down with ClickUp Product Manager, Omar, to ask all your burning questions and find out straight from the source!

Just as ClickUp has taken the lead in the race of productivity software, they’ve been tackling a surge of bugs and speed issues. One week we’re excited to hear about speed improvements or to experience ClickUp en français – and the next we’re worried about Dashboard reporting not being quite accurate.

It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster and several of you have reached out in emails, comments, and inside our member community asking, “How does ClickUp handle bugs?” or “How can I be so sure ClickUp is here to stay?”

I can tell you my opinions (specifically, “Yes, ClickUp is here to stay!”) but we thought it would be more helpful for everyone to get ClickUp on the line to help ALL of us better understand how ClickUp’s plan for a more reliable (but equally fast) growth trajectory.

Meet Omar, a Product Manager at ClickUp

In our interview with Omar, we got to know more about his background. He’s a Product Manager with ClickUp and before he joined ClickUp, he was a ClickUp user from “very, very early on”.

Essentially, he’s in charge of a variety of things! This includes things like:

  • Automation thorugh importing and exporting
  • The API
  • Sign on data coming in/going out
  • Integrations
  • And more!

Hear Omar’s introduction and learn about what he does as a ClickUp Product Manager starting at 01:09.

How does ClickUp work with the influx of feature requests?

As a product manager, Omar is at the forefront of what features get released.

Once they’ve decided which features to release, it’s time to work out the timeline and the kinks of the feature itself to make sure that when a feature is released, it’s not immediately filled with bugs or complications.

The ClickUp team also takes into account how many people this feature would impact. Then they a step back to look at how this feature would fit into the overall goals, KPI’s, and plans within ClickUp itself. (That’s a lot to consider!)

Learn more about feature requests starting at 04:35.

How far along is ClickUp on fulfilling its big vision in terms of features, integrations, and size?

Since day one, ClickUp has had a large vision. It’s a vision that is constantly shifting and growing as the ClickUp team (and the number of users!) continues to grow.

The team at ClickUp loves to keep visions and targets slightly out of reach so the whole team can push forward to make those dreams happen. Motivation is key when you’ve grown as fast as they have in the last 4 years!

Hear Omar talk more about ClickUp’s vision starting at 09:25.

Who is ClickUp’s ideal user today? Does the team see that changing over time?

“ClickUp is like Lego”. People of all ages can build and enjoy Legos to build what they come up with in their imagination.

There are teams and individuals from all sizes and backgrounds who can appreciate what ClickUp does and offers in terms of organization and productivity.

Omar talks about ClickUp’s “ideal” user and how they accommodate starting at 15:35.

How does ClickUp work with the Docs Feature? Do they use Docs in their own Workspace?

Omar can’t give us all the secrets of what ClickUp is working on (understandably!), but you can rest assured that some much-needed improvements are coming to docs! The ClickUp team uses Docs inside their own Workspaces often, so by getting their hands dirty and incorporating important features into their day-to-day, they’re able to see firsthand what could use some improvement.

Hear the ClickUp team’s thoughts on ClickUp Docs starting at 19:05.

What’s the best way to give feedback or submit a feature request to ClickUp?

If you’re ever curious about what feature requests the ClickUp team has acknowledged, is in progress, or has planned for implementation – the ClickUp Canny Board is the best way to gain insight.

And for reference, upvoting DOES matter! If you’re interested in a new feature, search for it on the Canny Board. If it’s not there yet, here’s your chance to share with the world! If it is, give it an upvote. The more upvotes, the more likely it is to get the ClickUp team’s attention.

What does “Planned” mean when looking at a current feature request?

Sometimes we see new awaited features sit in the “planned” stage for months, and while that can seem frustrating from a user’s perspective. It is no small feat to implement a new feature within ClickUp! They’re usually six to nine months ahead on their schedule, but that doesn’t mean they won’t run into problems, even with the most optimism.

“Planned” means: “We hear you. We see you. We’re working on it, we promise!”

Hear about why the Canny Board is the ticket to getting things done starting at 20:15.

How does ClickUp work around handling and preventing bugs?

Now we hit the million-dollar question!

Recently, ClickUp has grown in a way that most companies do not get to experience. Of course, with growth comes complications. With more users and more employees, there’s now a lot of ways the ClickUp team is forced to re-route and re-map “old” processes and workflows to handle this growth.

They are taking it back to the basics so they can manage everything without missing major bugs. With dozens of features and more in the works every day, the ClickUp team has delegate responsibilities so that certain teams are in charge of certain bugs or features.

And yes! There’s a real human being behind the messages when you send in bug reports or reach out to ClickUp Chat Support.

If you want to share a bug you’re experiencing with ClickUp, first be sure to see if you can replicate the bug and make sure it wasn’t just your software having a problem. If it repeats, be sure to document it (ideally in a clip or video!).

“Regardless of Bugs, let’s talk about Speed”

It’s something they’re working on constantly and on an ongoing basis.

Keep in mind, if you have thousands of tasks inside of a list, you might want to consider breaking everything down into separate lists.

They’re currently much faster than they used to be, and they are looking forward to improving it even more with time.

Hear Omar discuss their workflow when it comes to bugs starting 25:50.

Thank you Omar!

We were so thankful that Omar from ClickUp took the time to sit down with us. From the sound of it, we have a lot to look forward to and we can’t wait to see where ClickUp goes next!

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