6 Myths on Building Systems to Organize Your Business

Organize your business with a system and you’ll be successful! You’ve heard this tip on repeat, but what if it’s a myth?

🙅‍♀️ Here’s our honest take: Processes ≠ A Prosperous Business 

This unpopular opinion may turn everything you know about systems upside down. So, how do you decipher which facts are true, specifically when implementing processes? 

In today’s post, we debunk 6 common myths about processes so you can organize your business with the best approach for you. Sit tight and watch the full video, or keep scrolling for the breakdown!

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People Want to Know: How to Organize Your Business 

There’s endless information online about systems, from business coaches to YouTube videos to articles (like this one 😉). With a library bursting with information, it’s hard to distinguish the facts from the lies. 

But, let’s start with the basics. What is a business process, and how do you create an efficient system? 

A business process is a step-by-step guide that leads to a desired outcome, like a recipe for your favorite homemade cookies. Yum! 🍪 

Your process will depend on your needs. However, you can use this 3-step guide to start building systems in your business:  

  • Step 1: Map your workflow with process mapping.
  • Step 2: Use templates, technology, and team members to support the updated workflow. 
  • Step 3: Test out your new system. 

But just because you have a system in place doesn’t mean everything is honky dory. There are many tactics, like the ones we share here, that can make your workflows even more efficient.   

Better yet, you can join ProcessDriven Foundations™ to learn how to properly centralize your business processes without scouring the internet for hours on end. 

Systemizing your business is awesome for structure and clarity, but is it bulletproof like one of John Wick’s suits? Not really! So, let’s talk about it, starting with the first myth.

Myth #1: You Need Fancy Software to Systemize Your Business  (Timestamp 00:56) 

Want a seamless process? The ONLY way to achieve this is with specialized software. After being bombarded with this pitch and running into some hiccups, you may believe this is the answer to your problems.  

But that’s not true! You don’t need anything fancy schmancy like SOP documentation software, an ATS system, or a task manager.

A simple clipboard and notes can be just as effective! 📝  

Don’t get us wrong–we love how ClickUp and SmartSuite make our lives easier, but you don’t have to limit yourself to these options. There are many other solutions you can use without spreading your budget thin.

For instance, generalist software can manage your SOPs, training, tasks, and onboarding. Then, you can use more specific tools as you identify your needs.

Myth #2: You Have to Be Organized in All Areas of Your Life (Timestamp 03:20)  

This myth is a doozy because it discourages business owners from using systems. But here’s the deal: Being process-driven isn’t a personality trait – it’s a skill you can acquire over time. ⌛  

Many people believe you’re either organized or not. For example, if you’re systematic in your business, you must be systematic in your personal life. 

Developing business processes at work doesn’t mean you have a wall of sticky notes detailing every event in your life. However, if you do, count us impressed! 

You can be organized and disorganized at the same time. Our CEO, Layla, shares a relatable example of this at timestamp (4:30). 🎬

Ultimately, being organized isn’t something you’re wired to do, like an AI robot. It’s about making the choice to be process-driven and then putting it into practice.  

Myth #3: If You Have a Process, You Never Make Mistakes (Timestamp 06:40)

As a business specializing in processes, we’ve messed up plenty of times–cue our recent post on work mistakes. Being process-driven isn’t about striving for perfection or controlling every situation. Instead, it’s about being driven by process. 

Let’s break this concept down: When a work blunder happens (because it will), you want to be prepared for it. That’s where process come into the picture. They ensure you’re well-equipped to handle unpredictable circumstances and help you extinguish fires. 🔥 

Now, you’re probably thinking, Isn’t constantly putting out fires a bad business practice? 

👉 Our answer? When shit hits the fan, a plan of action can help you stay afloat and not get lost at sea. So, organize your business with processes and be proactive! 

Myth #4: You Can’t Be Creative and Have a Process Mindset (Timestamp 09:13) 

Who says creativity and systematic thinking can’t coexist? Like myth #2, many people believe these concepts fall into two separate camps, and blending them would be like mixing orange juice with toothpaste. 

Process can offer endless opportunities for creativity. For example, if a challenge poses barriers to how you do business or innovative work, view it as a problem to be solved and apply a solution, aka a process, to help you get back on track. 

Think of being process-driven as the lemons to your lemonade. 🍋 Systems allow you to be more creative by managing tasks that don’t require your brain power. 

Myth #5: You Need to Spend All Your Money on Gurus and Books to Be Systemized (Timestamp 11:44)  

We love advice as much as the next person, but spending excessive funds on resources isn’t a must. Can you implement systems faster if you learn from someone else’s mistakes? Sure! But you don’t need to drop $10k on a masterclass or purchase every book about process on Amazon. 💸

Instead, you can establish systems on your own. You’re smart and capable!

Unfortunately, many business owners feel caught between two options:

  • Lots of time, no costs, and no support
  • Little time, lots of costs, and no support

If you relate to this, you’re not alone. One of the main reasons Layla created ProcessDriven was to address this gap in the market and support business owners without overextending their budgets.

Programs like ProcessDriven Foundations offer valuable resources, tools, and support to centralize your business. 

Myth #6: The Only Time You Need Systems Is For Scaling or Selling Your Business (Timestamp 14:16)

Have you ever heard the phrase “scale up with systems?” It’s catchy and rolls off the tongue but has no basis.

✅ Yes, systems offer guidelines to ensure your business runs smoothly without you being present.
✅ Yes, processes can help with scaling.
❌ However, there’s no 1:1 correlation between organizing and scaling your business.

Rather than promoting this misconception, let’s highlight what process can do. A process is a tool you can use for any end game. Think of it like a car that drives you from point A to point B. It doesn’t matter where your final destination is; a system will get you there. 🚗 

For example, you can implement a process for:

  • Onboarding new team members
  • Hiring a CEO
  • Automating parts of your business
  • Working fewer hours
  • Having a risk mitigation plan
  • Standardizing practically any task you do (Revisit Myth #4 about creativity! 🎨)

That’s all to say that systems can help you achieve goals beyond scaling and selling. 

Organize Your Business Process Your Way

Whether you’re a solopreneur, a manager, or a small business owner, you can apply processes without falling prey to common beliefs, like investing in fancy software or striving for perfection. 

It all comes down to choosing to be process-driven.

If you’re ready to build a foundation of process for your business with a proven roadmap that’s helped over 1,700 clients and teams, join ProcessDriven Foundations™ opening in March 2024.

Thanks for stopping by for this longish read, and enjoy the process

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ProcessDriven helps small teams turn chaos into process. The ProcessDriven Approach™️ combines software expertise with practical process-first strategies that have helped 1,800+ teams build a scalable foundation of business systems.