What happened?! | LevelUp, ClickUp’s Productivity Conference [ FULL RECAP]

ClickUp’s “Virtual Productivity Conference,” LevelUp happened on December 9th, 2020. In it, they shared their 2021 Product Vision (lots of new ClickUp features coming!) and a fresh prespective on their marketing/growth plan.

My Key Takeaways


Tech glitches, poor moderation, non-Q&A, and strange audience targeting led to the event not living up to its (arguably quite vague) marketing.


The feedback about the current prioritization of new features has been heard loud and clear. Many talks focused on core values of listening and reiterated the importance of key enterprise features like reliability and speed.


ClickUp is hungry for that platform state. The unbundling/rebundling conversation, push for database use cases, coaching program highlight, live calls, increased support, flashy guests, recent hires and other Q&A all point to an enterprise focus.


Highlights of new features seemed to repeatedly soothe the anticipated concerns of smaller users. The list of 2021 features mentioned include: 

  • a native mobile app (coming next week — December 2020); 
  • localization; 
  • 24/7 real-time support; 
  • Goals v2;
  • tasks may not be tasks/database features;
  • phone support; 
  • template library; 
  • template marketplace;
  • app center; 
  • email within ClickUp (Outlook first); 
  • iPad app;
  • calendar within Click (Google first); 
  • substantial speed and stability improvements;
  • and ClickUp’s also starting to sell swag and launch a podcast.
The notes below were originally live-typed throughout the events, so please excuse typos and brevity. 

Welcome Keynote with Zeb Evans & Holly Peck

Setting the Scene

  • Some upbeat folksy elevator music ramped up to the start before switching into Zoom Webinar broadcast. Video quality is not great, so I’d look for the replay in order to see the details of the slides shared.
  • Zeb flying solo in this initial welcome presentation with a basic Zoom screenshare.
  • Holly (who’s going to be MCing today) took over the second half of the presentation to introduce the ClickUp built-in Coaching program. Standing delivery made for a nice change of pace vs. Zeb’s traditional format. Somehow, Holly’s enthusiastic, polite, and choreographed delivery reminds you children’s camp counselor — not in a bad way!

Key Moments

  • Zeb has now promised localization inside ClickUp, pending some architecture changes.
  • “Surprise or gift, whichever way you look at it,” promised for later today.
  • Vision for 2021 very vaguely described as, “Growing while improving what we have.” More expected later on in the day. Improved features, speed, and reliability called out and, again, alluded to announcements later today.
  • Zeb reiterates his goal of making an “unopinionated” platform — a theme he’s talked about a lot in the past.
  • Canny is shouted out, with an emphasis on the Product Team “reading everything.”
  • ClickUp was the “momentum leader” for growth in 2020. Source too blurry to read.
  • Zeb’s favorite productivity hack, “Remember shit, create a system.” More accurately could be written “Pretend you won’t remember anything. So, write it all down.” He uses Inbox for this. Interesting, since *many* pro users seem to loathe the ClickUp Inbox!
  • Shouted out their main core value about excellent Customer Service Not sure if this mission/value is actually in line with what’s experienced by ClickUp users yet, but glad it’s a priority.
  • ClickUp’s adding 24/7 real-time support to be “completed in Q1 of next year” and will include non-English and non-San Diego-based support. Phone support, too.

How ClickUp Uses ClickUp to Ship Super Fast with Alex Yurkowski

Setting the Scene

  • After an enthusiastic handoff from Holly, Alex jumps into a traditional presentation style equipped with a beautified slide deck with a few simplified screenshots that (based on the talking points) don’t seem to be truly what the team uses.
  • Smooth outro to Holly, who had a scripted but interesting transition (calling out her favorite part of the weekly meetings ClickUp has) while introducing the break. Upbeat generic music came back on — reminds me of a Sims soundtrack.

Key Moments

  • After a brief and enthusiastic intro from Holly, Alex connects his work back to the product team.
  • He breaks down how the team uses ClickUp. Small items, Sprint features, and “streamlining feedback cycles” are his top tips.
    • Statuses are “Actionable” and QA Review is one status they use and clear out regularly.
    • Clear notifications regularly.
  • They use Workspace Points, Worked On, Who’s Behind, and Tasks by Assignee (or at least that’s what’s featured in their mock up Dashboard). Really wish we would have seen a real look at what’s going on in their actual account.
  • They build widgets for reporting key numbers/goals:
    • Waiting on Q&A
    • Pending Development Help
    • etc.
  • This whole presentation seems like it could have be delivered in about 5 minutes.
  • Unlike Zeb, Alex presented a singular focus on “Reliability, Scalability, and Performance” instead of new features.

How ClickUp’s Template and App Centers Will Change Your Productivity Forever with Sophia Kaminski

Setting the Scene

  • Sophia (Customer Success for 3 years) is the host of many ClickUp webinars and she’s going to be talking about the Template and App centers. She’s better positioned in the frame as she transitions to her deck.

Key Moments

  • Template center, “be much easier to understand what templates you have, why they’re useful and apply them in just a couple of clicks.” I really hope the “couple of clicks” isn’t as heavy as it sounds!
  • Reviewed current template “center” (and thankfully finally we see an actually demo within ClickUp) to demonstrate this.
    • Current method requires you to go to different parts for different types of templates. New version: One modal for all templates, regardless of type.
    • Currently, can’t preview templates. New version: Preview templates.
    • Currently, create templates in order to edit templates. New version: Not addressed.
  • New template center:
    • Templates are all in one modal, with two sections: yours and ClickUps (as usual).
    • You can filter templates by type with a left-side checkbox sidebar or searching by name or filtering by creator. Interesting it’s creator and not “last edited by”.
    • Ability to categorize templates by Tag Oh no, another single-purpose tag dump like time tracking! Ugh!
    • New creation flow:
      • You can now add a template description to give more detailed criteria. Presumably will be showing up in the template search. Goodbye naming conventions — but still will need date-based naming conventions because it doesn’t seem like versioning/history has been added.
      • Share with “will be much more streamlined…eventually…” — but doesn’t seem like that’ll be there yet.
      • Saving over existing template seems to be very marginally better as it’ll have a better search function…but otherwise just as terrible.
    • Apply templates now allow you to preview what Custom Fields are added (etc) and more transparency in terms of what’s being added.
  • Community Templates:
  • App Center:
    • Combination of all the apps and integrations all in one center. This seems like it could become easily overwhelming if it starts to feel similar to the app stores we see on Quickbooks Online, Shopify, etc.
    • She then reviewed the integrations/apps that already exist.
    • Enterprise Teams can set which integrations can be turned on or not.

Q&A with Zeb Evans

Setting the Scene

  • Holly and Zeb bounced back and forth with seemingly scripted questions.
  • Finally, audience questions taken at the end.

Key Moments

Q: Why do you were such colorful shirts?

Summarized A: I like colors.

Q: Do you remember when/why you started?

Summarized A: We were using a lot of tools — Sheets, Doc, Jira, Wrike. “All of these things are supposed to make you more productive but we’re really just wasting time.”

Q: What is the most unique use case for ClickUp?

Summarized A: “Rice farming in Indonesia to family chores…,” as well as, “a Slack replacement.”

Q: What are some of the experiences you’ve had with ClickUp that you’ve had to push through?

Summarized A: “Before we got our first paying customer we were wondering if anyone would pay…” then did our first promotion for Halloween and it went very well. Mistakes like the # of free Guests (when the Guest feature was released) was fixed within a day or two.

Q: Why is customer experience important to ClickUp?

Summarized A: I had some bad customer experiences when I was a kid and didn’t like them…so I didn’t want to do that.

Q: How has bringing on investors impacted how you make decisions and growing ClickUp and ClickUp’s core values?

Summarized A: “It doesn’t change anything.” We picked investors who wouldn’t make us grow too fast and help us stay focused on the users. “Nothing has changed it’s only enabled us to grow faster.”

So frustrating that all of these questions have already been asked to Zeb on countless interviews.

Q: How does ClickUp use ClickUp? (Audience Question)

Summarized A: There’s a blog post about it you can find. [He listed a bunch of features.] Also, “I see questions about replacing Slack but we’re not planned on doing that.”

Q: How does ClickUp iterate so fast?

Summarized A: I’ve answered this so many times in the past. The answer is iterating.

Q: How do we choose what features to ship?

Summarized A: Feedback (Canny) decided high-level roadmap and that’s combined with the internal vision for the product.

Q: When you’re thinking long-term high level future?

Summarized A: “It’s all about saving people time.” Continue expanding this around the world and get “All of your work in one place.” 2021 is the year we’ll realize that.

More generic dad jokes about the shirts. Finally, Zeb takes over for Holly a starts actually answering questions.

Q: Any plans for mindmapping in ClickUp? (Audience Question)

Summarized A: They’re there and we have plans to increase those.

Q: Why did ClickUp decide to take funding? (Audience Question)

Summarized A: Good question because that was never in our plans. “It’s not just about the money, it’s also the experience of people who have scaled software like this before.” Our investors are entrepreneurs — it’s very different than “money only” ones.

Q: How do you market ClickUp to reach so many people in a short period of time? (Audience Question)

Summarized A: All organic because we had to. Then, users helped us spread the world because it’s a viral growth due to the need for collaboration.

Q: Does ClickUp plan to build a platform to allow for third party tools to be integrated? (Audience Question)

Summarized A: Yup. We’re hoping Q2 2021 to allow you to build your own apps on top of ClickUp in Views, Tasks, and ClickApps.

Q: Any plans to improve mobile experience? (Audience Question)

Summarized A: “Yes, yes absolutely. *laughing*”

Q: Next latest and greatest initiatives. (Audience Question)

Summarized A: Initially, infrastructure and reliability. Then, email inside ClickUp. Email in Custom Field in ClickUp + saved response + click button –> send email to that person. Hopefully next week. Google has been challenging to work with.

Q: If you were to write a book about your life, what would you call it? (Audience Question)

Summarized A: “Urgent”. I’ve had 4.5 near-death experiences. Take chances, iterate quickly, take action.

More core value plugging and generic marketing.

Q: What’s your favorite ClickUp feature?

Summarized A: Assigned comments. (He thought of this feature.)

How ClickUp Organically Grew to 2M+ Users & Generates $12M Worth of Free Clicks Every Month with Aaron Cort

Setting the Scene

  • Aaron (Dir of Marketing) opens with an overview of what SEO is and how it was used for organic growth so far.
  • Melissa takes over to describe an internal “world-class content agency”

Key Moments

  • ClickUp’s in one of the most competitive landscapes. Aaron views the main differentiator as 100% organic growth (excluding everything since June…)
  • On track to outpace Asana and Monday based on growth curves. It assumes consistent exponential growth which seems very generous.
  • Aaron’s positions organic growth as the opposite of “artificial growth” he associates with Monday and Asana.
  • How ClickUp Grew:
    • (1) Product-Led Growth (PLG) good product
      • Industry-leading free forever plan.
      • Bunch of other obvious things/marketing talking points.
    • (2) User-Led Growth (ULG) feedback, community, inviting others, evangelism
      • Facebook Group, Canny
      • We have a lot of Reviews on (Capterra, G2) “because of how well we’ve driven the sense of community” *They also did a campaign to get user reviews in exchange for payment.
      • Excellent* affiliate resources *I’d personally replace this adjective with “basic MVP of what some optimist might call”.
    • (3) Content-Led Growth (CLG) marketing content that’s “industry-agnostic”
      • Dominate high traffic, low difficulty key words.
      • Backlinks, often posts, and call out competitors.

More and more plugs about “core values” — is this trying to stop concerns about the soullessness of having investors? Or is this preparing us for the announcement that may make the audience worry about these core values?

  • Recap of what SEO is, what marketing is, and what ClickUp is.
  • Special Introduction: We want to be a “Household name” and bringing in someone from Cheddar and Buzzfeed for impactful brand stories: Melissa Rosenthal (Chief Creative Officer)
    • She’s currently a co-founder at another startup that was not mentioned in the intro: Circle.
    • According to her LinkedIn, she doesn’t work at ClickUp. Perhaps she’s a consultant?
  • Melissa takes over to describe an internal “world-class content agency” in a Podcast, episodic series, and more education events like LevelUp.

Lots of pitching by ClickUp Support team for the new coaching offered in-house by ClickUp.

#BOSS Panel: Using ClickUp to Crush Your Business Goals with Yvonne Heimann, Courtney Davis, and Luci Nixon

Yvi | http://askyvi.com/

Luci | https://www.helloluci.com/

Courtney | https://theelevateeffect.com

Setting the Scene

  • Holly introduces each “#BOSS” guest with taglines. Yvi, Courtney, and Luci.

Key Moments

Chat plugging ClickUp swag: https://dev-forms.clickup.com/f/ad-54568/MULA5GAKO2RICIHW1P

Q: Most underutilized feature?

Yvi – Not training your team.

Courtney – Lean system by using Dashboards to communicate. Not sure if she just means skinny/simple systems?

Luci – I love Dashboards and I use Goals a lot to plan out my goals to see projects from a larger viewpoint. Also, link tasks to see percentage completion.

Q: How have you customized ClickUp to be 10X more productive?

Courtney – Don’t just use for tasks. “Lean out platforms we’re utilizing,” by making a CRM in ClickUp.

Luci – Dependencies [I believe she’s actually referring to remapping due dates?] so when a new client comes in I can remap Due Dates all at once.

Yvi – Yvi pushed back on the idea of replacing other tools with ClickUp. Way to go Yvi! Eliminating clicking around [context switching] for all tasks, tools, and resources.

Q: What’s the one piece of advice you’d give to people using ClickUp who want to LevelUp?

Luci – Figure out what works for you, then use templates.

Yvi – Don’t make stages your statuses! (Plus YouTube plug.)

Courtney – Don’t get scared and dive in. Look how you can use it beyond just tasks. Also, templates.

Q: What is your favorite ClickUp feature?

Yvi – Automations.

Courtney – Multiple custom Views.

Luci – MindMaps

marketing fluff

Q: How much time does it take to become a ClickUp expert at your level? How long have you been using the platform?

Yvi – Since 1.0

Courtney – Since 1.0; I liked that it updates often.

Luci – Since 1.0

30 Min Digital Marketing MBA: Session with Dan Fleyshman and Neil Patel

Setting the Scene

  • Very cheesy opening sequence talking about the ClickUp “Swag Shop”.
  • Introduction to Neil Patel with a strange transitional intro of Dan Fleyshman.

Pro Tip: Just read Neil’s blog instead of watching this interview.

Key Moments

Q: What do we need to know about SEO?

It changes a lot. I’d [Neil] recommend:

  • (1) get more people to link to you but focus on fewer, higher-quality links.
  • (2) page experience. The 2021 page experience update for mobile (eventually expect desktop, too) will be based on how users engage with the content.
    • “Who’s Neil Patel?” campaign story about when they worked together, spending 50-60K of a few months. Organic ranking result saved them 100Ks.

Q: Tell me about your LinkedIn strategy?

  • Reach is hard, except on LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube…so create content.

Q: What’s your tips for not being scared about YouTube?

  • Just put the same content you put on Instagram on YouTube. You don’t need to put up long videos. 5-10 minute videos do well. Use your phone and just record yourself. Tai Lopez made this okay.
  • YouTube cares about the first hour, but Google is slower (6-12mo)
  • LinkedIn doesn’t like > 10 minutes.

Q: Which platform is best?

It depends.

<Insert a bunch of very easy-to-google tips he’s already made content about.>

Q: Repurposing content is a thing. What are some ways people can build a personal brand outside of social media?

Your own website + blog.

Q: Should you talk about politics on social media?

Everyone’s different. I tend to avoid them because they’re polarizing.

Q: Can your website be simple?

Yep. I like WordPress.

Q: What about blogs and forums like Reddit?

You can. If you have more than 3 people in your marketing department, I would. Otherwise there isn’t enough time. Just make sure you’re only an expert inside your relevant subreddit.

Q: Are websites like Forbes, Inc, or local newspapers?

Get whatever you can — I’d focus on the smaller ones because you’ll be showcased more. Forbes, Inc., etc. don’t give you as much traffic as you’d think.

Q: What about Facebook? Ads?

Create the content a platform lacks (videos on Facebook, for example) vs linking off the platform. Suggest going Live on Facebook to sell. Converts extremely well and eventually Facebook wants a cut of that.

Q: Instagram has a lot of stuff — IGTV, Reels, Stories, Posts. Can you talk us through Instagram?

I’m not even going to bother typing this out. He also suggested (1) collabs / join lives and (2) using swipe up.

Q: Should you DM for business?

I get more speaking engagements from LinkedIn > my website. Also more in IG > website…but website is where I’m getting leads. I agree DM is the new email.

Q: generic “content is overwhelming” empathy. Invite others in your space over to create content together on a Sunday. What do you do Monday morning?

Slice it up and put it everywhere.

Fun Fact: Gary Vee mispells on purpose because it leads to more engagement for pattern interruption.

Likes don’t make things viral. Comments do. Longer comments are better now, so ask questions accordingly.

Q: What time of day? I tell people 9AM-9PM.

It depends. I prefer morning.

Q: How often to post in a week?

At least once a day. generic tips around quality/quantity

Q: What would you say to people who have trolls in their comments?

Haters gonna hate. generic tips around ignoring bullies

Q: What if something goes viral? What should you then do?

(1) Engage with audience.

(2) Milk it by creating similar content ASAP

(3) Post more frequently during that spike to capture more people during this time.

Q: When should we spend money?

For most people it won’t make sense. For businesses, whenever — they’re not expensive to start using at $100/month.

Q: Tips for 2021

(1) Voice search and voice commerce is big for 2021 (Alexa, Phone, Google Home).

  • Use schema markup
  • Help questions pop up
  • Jeston.ai (spelling?) to transfer info into voice.

Build Custom Productivity Apps without Any Code using ClickUp by Vincent Khadige

Setting the Scene

  • Vincent is introduced by Holly.
  • Vincent presents from an embedded OneDrive PowerPoint inside ClickUp. Nice touch!

Key Moments

  • Planning Projects this section is presented like an “Intro to ClickUp webinar,” except live and extremely blurry — watch the replay to see the full contents!.
    1. Planning hierarchy begins in phases. (Example of Folder with List per phase.)
    2. Create tasks and milestones for tasks.
    3. Dependencies and Views
    4. Workload View by team member.
    5. Statement of Work in Doc (with “signing” via text at the bottom).
    6. Personal Views
    7. Organize Backlogs and Epis
    8. Calculate the cost of failure/success in Formula Custom Field Language used was “Conditional Custom Field” but I believe he’s demonstrating an IF function with emoji-based text results in red, orange, and green. There is currently no conditional formatting in ClickUp.
    9. Customize Lists
  • Use ClickUp’s Calendar for non-tasks (like Vacations)
    • Individual Assessments in a List
    • 1 Task = Personal using the Rating Custom Field.
  • Use case of HR Team to use ClickUp as a database. *I would not recommended ClickUp for large amounts of data at this time.
    • Job Openings that relate to applicants and offices (Tasks Custom Field).
    • Embed a public view of the Job Openings board.
    • Use a Form to start an application.
    • Email and phone number fields are clickable.
    • Plug for recently-released Events in ClickUp feature. WAHOO!!
  • Use case for Slack-like chat in ClickUp. This is perhaps better described as a forum.
    • Create Lists and/or Tasks with Comments fields visible and use the task Comments as the “chat area”.
    • Activity View as digest.
    • Dropdown with emojis (I think? Hard to see.) to break up DMs from group channels.
    • Permission overview.

Kicks it back to Holly does a great job at keeping the energy up through this long back-to-back summit!

Chat quote:

Solving the Challenges of the Productivity Industry: Q&A with David Sacks

Setting the Scene

  • Tommy (Host and Head of Sales as of Mar 2020)
  • David Sacks (Investor)
  • Zeb (CEO)
  • The first interview of the day that actually felt like an interview. Excellent job Tommy!

Key Moments

  • Tommy opens with a question about David’s background in antiquated markets to launch Paypal and Yammer. Bottom-up growth into enterprise was foreign territory at the time. This demonstrated focus on enterprise may be the answer to the question “What’s the point of this summit?”
  • Tommy asks why Zeb is in this space. Gives standard answer about data/work silo/ opinionated software.
  • Zeb’s first call with David about product-led growth stood out because Zeb was focused on a platform vs. point solution. VC encourages opinionated and point solutions.
  • That was highly discouraged at the time. Vertical and opinion was heavily demanded by investors.
  • This market is competitive. Why us? (Tommy to David). David responded by highlighting this made the growth rate even more impressive.
  • Adoption rates become the next focus, specifically in the new way that anyone can force adoption in a company — not IT departments. “Spontaneous adoption” plus enterprise sale on top of that. Is this preposition telling?
  • David expands on how the Enterprise fit is particularly strong due to customization as a wall-to-wall solution. This focus explains the rise of the coaching services and new permissions options mentioned earlier in the day.
    • Zeb thinks the long-term perspective will align well with the “rebundling” of SaaS stack in enterprise avenues. Doubles-down on the “replacing” verb for being the platform that everything connects with. Core focus will always be “best in task”.
    • David quotes Jim Barksdale “There are only two ways to make money in business: One is to bundle; the other is to unbundle.”
      • Office Suite (bundle) –> Best in Class (unbundling) –> Rebundling (ClickUp as the next Office Suite)
  • Transition to the topic of personal productivity. – Tommy
    • David – “Work till I burn out then sell the company too soon.” (Joking). Also hobbies, like poker.
    • Zeb – “Choose where your time goes and at time you’ll be very unbalanced.
    • tl;dr capitalism
  • How do you help your team not burn out? – Tommy
    • David – Neither a marathon or sprint is right. Instead, think about ladders in describing it, it’s more like a staircase.
    • Tommy – “We just sprint marathons here.”
    • Zeb – “Urgency and growing 1% every day. We sprint hard,” but, “That said, everybody gets to the point of being burnt out and at that point you need to take a step back.”
    • Tommy – “To summarize, as a founder there’s no worklife balance.”
  • How do you both think about engineering and shipping product?
    • Zeb – Shipping and iterating quickly. Perfect is possible, but just not yet.
    • David – Shifted to a product focus because I realized it’s the heart of everything.
  • How do you avoid overscope when really listening to your customers?
    • David – For any given product release, we’d focus on 2-10 engineers for 2-10 weeks, max. No later than 1 quarter.
    • Zeb – Build things for Enterprise based on signed agreements.
  • When is the right time to take funding? – Tommy
    • David – When you need it. View it as fuel.
  • Is the San Fran brain drain real? – Tommy
    • David – Yes it’s real but the size is unknown. Rents dropped 35%, but we’re not sure if it’ll stick or not.
  • What’s the opportunity for teams to us tools like ours? – Tommy
    • Zeb – Tools that save you time.

2021 Product Vision with Zeb Evans & Product Team

Setting the Scene

  • Zeb’s back to share the long-term vision (and long-term Q1-2 vision) for ClickUp.
  • Brian highlights the newest upcoming features.

Key Moments

  • Zeb begins by confirming that nothing has changed from the beginning. This is a repeat of the core values-centric “soothing” that’s been occurring all day. Very interesting why this is so central to their communication strategy today?
  • “One app to replace them all” mantra which reiterates the discussion in the interview with David highlighting Airtable, Coda, etc. Zeb also highlighted the benefits of box tools (without using that term) vs. true no-code solutions. (Feel that burn, Notion?)
  • ClickUp will be different even though they’re doing the same thing because it’s a box tool with customization that is “focused on productivity” instead of “building things from the ground up”.
  • ClickUp will be looking to disconnect ClickUp from Task-based structure and instead allow any database to be “People”. This explains why they pointed to the database use — to sell Enterprises on the future potential even though it’s not super functional right now.
  • Home and Inbox combined with customizable widgets like Dashboards (just like we predicted! Wahoo!).
  • Goals v2 will actually connect OKRs back to tasks (finally) Dashboard-style.
  • Speed improvements with goal of being best-in-class in 2021. “World-class ‘speed team’ ”
    • “lightening fast” repeatedly promised
    • substantial hires for the framework and scaling up in general.
  • Reliability is going to be improved as the third pillar for 2021.
    • Scalable infrastructure with redundancy to add more servers as exponential growth continues.
    • Building teams around maintenance and refinement of every existing feature. (Dashboards, Tasks, etc.) so there’s deep familiarity with an entire code base.
    • Incorporating a predictive process to anticipate bugs with 100% test coverage. Right now, it exists but not 100% coverage.

Brian highlights the 2021 themes:

Speed & Reliability

Get Organized

  • Relationships Continued to emphasize how a Task doesn’t have to be a Task.
    • Screenshot highlighting this feature SEEMS (again, too blurry to see) to allow you to rename the “Subtask” section to be “Relationships” and remove certain standard Task Fields?
  • Nested Subtasks (“Child Tasks”) being added up to 7 layers.
    • Seems to still include full custom fields per subtask.
  • Events in ClickUp highlighted. (Already released.) More customization on syncing coming. Impossible to read, but hopefully filter-based. He did mention color adjustment and availability settings.
  • Email ClickApp will pull email directly in a comment, saved templates. Launching on Outlook only. Ready for Gmail, but not approved and no known timeline.
  • Template Center
  • Folder Statuses
  • Item Types
  • Nested Formulas
  • More Advanced Formulas for Dashboards
  • Improved Tables in Docs
  • Goals V2 to be more integrated
  • …more

Special Closing by Zeb Evans & Nick Krekow

Setting the Scene

  • Zeb hands it over to Nick for the “big announcement.”

Key Moments

  • Nick opened his presentation about the new mobile apps with such sincerity, you’d think ClickUp was apologizing for some type of criminal offense.
  • Mobile-first UI, speed, and “Create a platform that will empower us for the future.”
  • Chose Flutter for
  • Broke down the pros and cons of V1 (1.0)vs V2 (2.0), then sold Flutter.
  • Static mock-up tour of the new Mobile app highlights:
    • Task usability
    • New notifications function (grouped by tasks) This is a lot taller UI than what we’re currently used to. And these will also now appear wherever you go — including Tasks themselves.
    • ClickUp Docs are more usable now. (Hard to tell with the video quality, but it also looked like we might be seeing a blockier font??)
    • iPad optimized versions coming in Q1 2021 Excellent for Sales teams for their new “ClickUp is a database” argument.
    • Available NEXT WEEK
  • Promise for making LevelUp an annual evenet. “Hopefully in-person next year.” – Zeb

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