How I use ClickUp for Moving Cross-Country (ClickUp for Personal Use Tour)

Are you looking for how to use ClickUp for personal use? Tour how I use ClickUp to manage our move across the US!

In this ClickUp tour, I’ll share the behind-the-scenes of how we’ve created a SIMPLE ClickUp Folder, phase-based Lists, and Tasks using Nested Subtasks to organize our life and house in ClickUp.

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In this video we’ll cover:

00:00 Introduction

00:27 – Horizontal hierarchy first

01:32 – Context Custom Field

02:28 – How to keep non-ClickUp-users in the loop, without overwhelming them.

03:08 – Working with outside assignees.

03:31 – Keeping everything at an easy to view level.

03:48 – Beyond the folder level

04:36 – One major downside (but don’t worry, we’ve got a workaround using ClickUp Dependencies)

06:58 – Want this template, completely built out for you? Here’s how.

07:39 – 5 task ideas for managing your move on ClickUp

09:14 – 5 BONUS task ideas if you’re making a cross-country haul

11:11 – Trust me, I’m organized BECAUSE I am disorganized. You can do this, too!

Related Resources

7 ClickUp Setup Mistakes + HOW TO FIX THEM | How to use ClickUp Hierarchy, Views, & more

What are Custom Fields? | ClickUp Tutorial for Beginners

EXPLAINED: ClickUp Dependencies | Tutorial

Video Blog Post

What follows is an AI-generated transcript from this video. Please be mindful that this transcript may not be 100% accurate.

In this video, I’m going to share how I am staying sane while we are selling our house, selling our car, moving everything into a box truck, selling almost everything we own, moving two dogs and moving two businesses across the country. I’m going to be focusing on the move portion of this craziness today. So I’m going to first show you kind of the overall layout of how we’re organizing our home relocation inside of ClickUp. And then I’m going to show you some of the tasks that we have structured just to give you some ideas, if you are also planning either to move locally or to move across the state in the US.

So without further ado, let’s dive into ClickUp, when building this out from scratch. I always recommend people go horizontal hierarchy first, which means tasks, custom fields and views before you go into the vertical hierarchy. But for the sake of example, we’re going to go in the reverse order.

So in the vertical hierarchy, what we have is cross country move and we’ve kind of done the traditional waterfall approach here of having three phases as the three lists inside our folder.

Waterfall, if you’re not familiar, is this idea of preplanning and planning everything before you even get started in the project.

It’s a very traditional project management approach. Our very first list is selling/showing. It’s the very first phase of this project.

The second phase, which is departing/sales confirmed for me is when we can start actually finalizing our plans to leave. We’ve got the house under contract. There are no conditions left on the contract. We feel pretty confident that we are going to settle on the house with the current buyer. That’s what we’re going to move into the second phase. And finally, the arriving phase. We’ve left the house behind arriving in our new location.

We need to figure out certain things, especially for the businesses, to make sure there is no lapse in anything important, such as Internet access, which I need to do these kinds of videos and other things.

There is one custom field being used throughout this entire area, and that is called context. This is kind of copying from the GTT idea context where in their application, context was helping you kind of keep track of where you should be doing a thing. What is the setting that you’re going to be the right mindset in order to perform that task?

And actually thought that would be pretty helpful for this project. So I brought in just for this particular folder and you can actually see what we have as our context here. We’ve got insurance call, which is conversation with our insurance agent, because that is just a whole thing here. We’ve got a virtual chore, which is something that we can just do on a computer, will bring a mindset to just kind of plug away physical errand, which is like we’re leaving the house let’s see if we can bundle things. A quick call, a call with our new living situation, as well as our real estate agent.

And by having these labels for each of these contacts, I’m hoping that’ll be a lot easier to you know, we’re preparing to talk to our real estate agent, let’s pull up all the real estate agent related tasks. That’s kind of what the goal of having these context are here for. To the left of context. We have due dates and priorities.

Honestly, if you watched the earlier video, we talked about the home renovation project, you might have been aware that our household, just in the personal side of things, due dates cause stress. So we’ve decided to just not use due dates in this area. Inside this area in general, you’ll see that there are only two statuses in this actually if you go into statuses to show you what exactly these are. These are to do and complete. And these are purposely very simple, because when you have just two statuses in ClickUp, you get this nice little checkbox icon, which if you have three statuses, would not appear.

And this checkbox icon is just really easy for non ClickUp users to really understand. I typically stick with this in ClickUp, but, but especially on the personal side of ClickUp just makes it a little bit easier for anyone to go in here and follow along.

So you’ll notice in here I have myself and my spouse assigned to certain tasks. For people who are not in ClickUp, I could choose to make a team assignee, a placeholder for real estate agent and just assign them to no members of the organization. So that way I would be able to assign these tasks that they’re not assigned to nobody. But but honestly, the team thing feels like overkill for this. So I’ve just left it unassigned. We are using a lot of nested subtasks here just to keep things super simple and super organized.

We’ve put nothing in the descriptions itself unless we need some instructions for how to complete things like, for example, some stuff around the business relocation. I did have to look up some articles, so I have those linked inside the task description.

But for the most part, everything is living at this view level because I want to keep it simple and light and easy to use. Now, beyond the actual folder level, we do have the list themselves. If, for example, I go into departing and sales confirmed, you can kind of see how the list mirrors the folder exactly, the exact same required views of all tasks and task by context. And if you go into tasks, a context can go in there and you’ll actually see all the tasks and subtasks broken out separately of every single thing we need to do and the type of task it is. Again, I like this context for these kinds of personal things because you just need to be in the right mood to do certain things like quick calls I’m almost never in the mood to do a phone call, but my spouse is so lucky us.

He’s doing most of those tasks. Physical errands, I mean, if we can batch all of these and just go running out for the day, that’s better in my mind. And these virtual chores are things that I can do when I’m low energy after a long day at work. And I can just kind of plug away at these little things that we need to do to get ourselves ready for the move ahead.

Now, there’s one major downside: by being in a Workspace where you’re not using due dates and that’s not being able to tell what to work on next. And like I talked about, we’re not using due dates for personal reasons, just what works best for us and our collaboration.

So what are the workarounds we can do within the actual phases themselves is to use dependencies.

And just while we’re on air here, I was thinking that this could be a really good expansion here because we’re just starting this project now, of going through this and making some dependencies so we can keep track of what to do next. So I’m actually going to create some dependencies at the task level. I don’t care about subtasks at this point. So right now, all these tasks here, except for selling my car, is dependent on selling the house. So I’m going to click on selling the house and I’m going to copy the link and I’m going to select these three tasks. I’m going to go up to dependencies and I’m going to say waiting on and type that in.

So I’m going to click waiting on Sell the House and I’m pasting that link. I don’t have to type it in and I’ll go directly to that task, which is why I always recommend if you have a lot of tasks with the same name, do what I just did and use the non dominant clicking button on your mouse to select the link rather than typing in “sell house” and searching that way.

If I open sell house, a lot of these are going to be waiting for the house to be officially sold or so on. So I can go on and I can make more of these dependencies. Once I’m done, I think I’m going to create one more view here and we tend to prefer list view, so I’m going to create that and I’m going to do ready to do and just to make this a little bit easier so we can focus on just the things that we want to do.

I’m going to make this area filtered to only show tasks where the dependency does not have “waiting on”.

So this will filter out and only show me tasks that are not blocked by a dependency. And imagine you we saw how that just changed for the very first list. I haven’t done these other two lists yet, but you see how all those other ones that were blocked by selling the house, they’re currently disappearing from our view. This is what we want to have happen. And this is probably the most popular way I suggest to clients to organize things when they don’t want to use due dates for whatever reason.

And because I think that view is probably what he’s going to prefer more as well, let me just go ahead and pin that to the front. So by pinning this, it’s going to show up at the very first view that’s available.

And I’m also going to make it the default view for everyone. So whoever clicks on cross-country move, this is the first view that they’re going to see. I could also choose to filter this, to show tasks assigned to me. And by me, I mean dynamic me.

It could be whoever it is, but I’m actually not going to do that because I want him to know what I have on my plate as well, so that what we can do a better job of working together to make sure we both get what we need to get done, done.

So in a moment, I’m actually going to dig in and show you some of the task that we have in here in case you were planning your own relocation.

But before I do that, if you are someone who’s watching this and you’re like scribbling notes down because you’re going to recreate something like this for yourself, more power to you.

But if you are doing that and you’re also a member of ClickingUp our paid community, don’t waste your time there, because if you are a member, I’m actually gonna be putting this template with these dependencies fully added inside of ClickingUp so you can just click the button in one link from your ClickingUp homepage and get this installed directly into your account.

This template will be right alongside the 20 other templates that you have available to you. So that way you can just grab this and go.

No need to spend all the time that I took to create this from scratch. Also, if you’re not a member of ClickingUp info in the description for how you can join and get this and not have to recreate it from scratch.

All right. So now, just to wrap this up here, I to give you some suggestions of what tasks you might want to add into this area if you were planning your own relocation. And this is for anyone relocating anywhere or doing any kind of change.

Number one pack. And when I did my packing in here, I did a pack as a task and then a few subtasks of the different phases of packing. So phase one was just things we don’t use often. Packing phase two was things that we could live without. And phase three is all of the essentials getting packed. Idea number two is selling right. Sell property and you could have subtask for each of the things you need to sell. I know my husband specifically, he has a whole workshop, so he’s needing to downsize a lot of his tools for the move that we are about to do. So you’re trying to sell everything before you move. It can be great to have them as tasks in your moving/move out downsize area. Number three, changing addresses on credit cards. This is one of the worst ones, but it is important, unfortunately. So having a task that says that in a subtask for each of the credit cards or even a checklist for each of the credit cards, whichever you prefer, that would be the way that I would do it, just to keep things organized and make sure you don’t miss any of the cards or accounts when you need to change that address. Number four forwarding your mail in the US, at least you can contact the USPS and have your mail forwarded in advance by giving them the date that you plan on moving.

And that’s what we’re doing, just to make sure that none of the mail, especially business mail, gets sent to the wrong address.

I would hate for a check to show up to the new owners. I want that check. So I’m going to do that mail forwarding right away to make sure that our address gets into our new location as soon as, and here’s a dependency right here, as soon as we lock in our end, destination or at least destination number one. Finally, utilities transfer them to the next people or canceling them if they no longer apply. This might even include gym memberships, because if you’re moving, you might not be able to go to the same gym anymore.

Now, if you’re someone who’s also doing a more dramatic move, perhaps across the country like we are, here are five bonus tasks that you might want to consider, adding that I might have forgotten had I not been doing some Googling and building this stuff out. So first one first is making sure that your insurance still covers you, if you go into those other states. This could be any kind of insurance. But vehicle insurance is the one I was thinking about just to make sure we were good no matter where we ended up living.

Second, find a new credit union.

If you’re someone who tries to bank local to support your local economy, well, you better make sure that that bank has a branch in the area that you’re going to go to or switch to an online bank so that way you can still have access to banking services wherever you move next. This applies especially if you’re looking overseas where the banking systems can be very different from country to country.

Three, register your dogs. In the U.S. you actually have to have licenses, registration for your dogs. And so if you have a lifetime license in one state, that usually does not apply to another state. So it’s just another thing to add to the to do list. Fourth, change your address with your taxing entities.

So for us, it’s the IRS. We have to tell them we’re moving from here to the new state and give them that information. Woo-hoo can’t wait. Finally, your final tip, and this is for anyone who’s doing any kind of long term travel, a road trippin’ bin. Now we’ve had our road trippin’bin, for a while it’s kind of like a grab bag, but it is a tote that we carry with us on any kind of long road trip of which we’ve done several cross-country road trips.

But this is our grab bag of materials that we want to have accessible while we are up driving the car to wherever we’re heading next. And because our drive is cross-country, it’s going to a long, multiday journey with two dogs.

Some of you might have kids doing these kinds of journeys, having a grab bag with materials, snacks, maps, sunglasses, sunscreen, all that kind of stuff that you don’t have to dig through bags to find, including wet wipes, paper towels, trash bags. Those are all awesome things to have in your road trippin’ bin. And then would we we swear by our road trippin’ bin, then it’s one of the most useful things you can have when you’re actually on the road.

And that is the last thing that I would suggest you have on your list is as you’re going through all the packing, make sure you’re setting aside things on your road trippin’ bin then and having it, you know, by the door so you can put it in the car right before you head out on your journey. Now, last but not least, I want to dispel any rumors here. Despite what you might get the sense of from all of these personal organization videos I’m releasing lately, I’m not super fussy as a person and I have a terrible memory.

The fact that I am kind of disorganized and I remember almost nothing that happens unless I view it as important from the get-go is why I am so system oriented. If I don’t write it down, it might as well have not happened. I have endless energy for the work that I enjoy doing and I have zero energy for the task I don’t feel like doing.

You could call that millennial malaise, but really I think it’s more about just being selectively lazy and with that selective laziness and that selective memory, I build these systems out to just make sure that I’m able to do the minimum things I need to do to be a functioning adult.

So if you’re feeling like you’re really disorganized and you’re watching this video and you’re like, oh, my gosh, I can imagine being this organized.

Well, just know, the reason I am this organized is because I’m not this organized. So you can do it, too. And with that in mind, this is one of the last videos I have on the docket for personal use of ClickUp at this point in time. But if you would like to see more videos about the personal side of using ClickUp, the only way that’s going to happen is if you leave a comment below and let me know what video you would like to see.

I’m open to putting it back on the schedule for February, March, later on this year. But I want to hear from you guys first to see if that’s something you’d find helpful. Either way, please do give this video a thumbs up and click subscribe if you’d like to see more videos like this. I’ll be back next week with two more videos about ClickUp and processes, instead focusing on the client and client relationship side of ClickUp versus personal use.

But nonetheless, lots of good stuff coming. Thank you guys so much for joining me for another video. And until next time, enjoy the process.

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